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A Better Understanding of Intimate Partner Homicide

What’s New in Psychology?

A Better Understanding of Intimate Partner Homicide  

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Study Shows Variations in Domestic Violence Trends in Five Cities During the Pandemic

What’s New in Psychology?

Study Shows Variations in Domestic Violence Trends in Five Cities During the Pandemic    

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Does the Supreme Court Care about Women’s Health and Safety?

What’s New in Psychology?

Does the Supreme Court Care about Women’s Health and Safety?

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Witnessing Domestic Violence and Future Mental Health

What’s New in Psychology?

Witnessing Domestic Violence and Future Mental Health    

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Increasing Domestic Violence During the Pandemic

Increasing Domestic Violence During the Pandemic

By Jim Windell

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Domestic Violence and Covid-19

In a story that first was reported in the New York Times in April, social distancing and stay-at-home orders have apparently fueled incidents of domestic violence in the state of New York, even if not in New York City. This despite the fact that the police are reporting a general drop in crime during the pandemic.

Statistics suggest domestic violence is down in New York City, the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak in the U.S., since the shutdown, even as it has risen statewide and around the world. However, fewer victims of domestic abuse have been calling the police or the New York City’s hotline in recent weeks.

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