What’s New in Psychology
Supporting the Infant-Parent Bond in the NICCU
What’s New in Psychology
Supporting the Infant-Parent Bond in the NICCU
What’s New in Psychology?
Higher Levels of Lead in Drinking Water Associated with Increased Risk of Teen Delinquency
What’s New in Psychology
Watching Disaster News on TV and Social Media Can Spell PTSD for Some Children
What’s New in Psychology?
Rates of Mental Health Problems Among U.S. Children Based on Relational and Social Risks
What’s New in Psychology?
Jim Windell
What’s New in Psychology?
Almost 70 Years after Brown v. Board of Education, How do Black Children View Themselves?
What’s New in Psychology?
Does Playing Grand Theft Auto Mean You Will Go Out and Kill Somebody?
What’s New in Psychology?
Do People Outgrow ADHD?
What’s New in Psychology?
Teens, Technology and Coping
What’s New in Psychology?
Children Should Swim to Boost Their Vocabulary
What’s New in Psychology?
Getting Teens to Open Up
What’s New in Psychology?
Your Brain and Being Outdoors
What’s New in Psychology?
Air Pollution and Children’s Learning Problems
What’s New in Psychology?
Should Parents and Caregivers Spank Children?
What’s New in Psychology?
Bacteria in the Gut and Babies’ Fear
What’s New in Psychology?
Do Children Show Traits of Overconfidence in their Abilities?
Childhood Psychiatric Symptoms May be Linked to Exposure During Pregnancy
Jim Windell
Spanking May Change the Brain of a Child
Jim Windell
The Facts About Alcohol and Young People
Jim Windell
Jim Windell
How have you coped with life during the pandemic? Were you bored, lonely, depressed? To deal with negative emotions did you turn to surfing the internet? Reading? Drinking more wine? Interacting with others on social media? Compulsively watching Netflix?